Complete Guide to Differentiate Private Keys and Seed Phrases

Complete Guide to Differentiate Private Keys and Seed Phrases

Private Key in Crypto Explained

One can think of private keys as their crypto wallet passwords. This key comprises 64 characters in hexadecimal format, consisting of the numbers 0 to 9 and letters A to F.

Each private key has a public key. People can give out their public keys to send and obtain crypto while utilizing the private key to access the assets.

In case of password loss on a centralized platform, it can be reset. This also means the exchange can access one’s password in the database. 

The trade-off with a private key is the ability to own it. No person views or has access to it, but it also means one controls its safety.

Seed Phrase in Crypto

It is a set of 12-24 words that is a backup to a crypto wallet’s private key.

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Each word represents a section of one’s private key; they should be written somewhere safe. In case one loses access to their crypto wallet, they can acquire a new one and retrieve their old assets by inputting the words in their precise order. 

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Since this is the only form of recovery, the seed phrase should be kept safe.

How Private Keys Function

Private keys represent total control over a wallet’s holdings. A person barely interacts with them since most of their processes are handled automatically. 

A private key is stored within one’s crypto wallet software. Further, most wallets allow the exportation of private keys, offering soft copies to permit wallet importation to another platform.

How Seed Phrases Function

When one signs up for a crypto wallet, they are requested to write down a seed phrase. A reliable wallet will prompt a person to re-enter the seed phrase on the next page to verify it has been recorded properly.

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In case one loses access to the wallet, funds can be retrieved by entering the seed phase into another wallet.

Main Differences Between Private Keys and Seed Phrases

A quick summary between the two is illustrated in the table below:

Seed Phrase Versus Private Key: Which is More Secure?

The main difference between the two is what they are utilized. Private keys as utilized in the crypto wallets feature 64-digit codes that have both figures and letters thus difficult to crack. 

Despite robust encryption, private keys exist digitally stored in a mobile or online wallet. This means they are susceptible to threats.

A seed phrase is easier to memorize compared to a private key. Similar to private key storage, storing seed phrases securely is critical. 

If a person prefers avoiding seed phrases altogether, alternative wallet types may be considered. Examples include: 

Seedless Crypto Wallet 

It depends on a multi-signature security process, which needs more than a single signature for each transaction. For instance, if a person intends to send money to a firm for goods and services, they need the approval of several verified gadgets.

Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet

It keeps funds safe via a hierarchy of public and private keys created from a single seed phrase. Each generated key is identified as the child key. Such as being able to generate grandchild keys, and so on. 

Securing Private Keys and Seed Phrases 

Private Keys

One should invest in hardware wallets; small USB sticks remain offline when not plugged in. The absence of an online connection makes private keys safer.

Seed Phrases

After writing down the seed phrases, the paper should be laminated to avoid damage. They should never be kept in digital spaces, and in case one must do so, they should get a secure password manager or other encrypted storage method.


Choosing between seed phrases and private keys depends on one’s preferences and needs. One should consider ease of use requirements, security preferences, and the exclusive features provided by various wallet types.

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